Therapeutic boarding schools for 18 year olds really work?

We are the best therapeutic boarding school for 18 year olds in providing help to troubled teenagers in improving their academic and social skills.

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Sometimes it might get confusing for you as a parent about the educational system that is best for your boy. Because a residential treatment center for teens is not the same as a boarding school. But here, at Sunset Bay Academy, we value both our students and your time. By choosing us you are letting your boy a space to think and decide what is best for himself. Our program provides a safe space for your troubled boy in need of improving his behavior. We encourage them to take their time and learn at their own pace.

Over time, children and teenagers enter an emotional and stressful stage of their lives where they usually lose themselves. In this troubled stage, it is best to get the proper help in order to avoid future complications in the professional work area.

Know the greatest benefits of therapeutic boarding schools for 18-year-olds, such as the program provided by us.

  • More academically challenging than other schools.
  • Personal growth.
  • Constant progress supervision.
  • Therapeutic spaces to improve mental health.
  • Time to develop artistic skills.
  • Academic growth

It is important to mention that we have a series of activities specialized for students that require specific attention, which is provided by our mental health professionals. Also, we have group homes for troubled teens.

18-year-olds need a push to ask for therapeutic help when they are making at-risk decisions that are not safe for them or the ones around them. If that is your case, we are your perfect solution.


As a therapeutic boarding school, we are not only the best solution for your troubled youth but also we are considered as the leading program among all therapeutic boarding schools for 18-year-olds. We can improve the GPA of our students with our special Academics program.

We appreciate the time you invest in knowing more about our program and the benefits it will bring to your kid.

One characteristic that defines us is the search of motivating them to follow the program and improve.

Maintaining good results is one of the most important things to keep track of for us. Our testimonials can assure and provide that confidence you need to trust our program that with time it’ll help your boy.

Our students show significant change after the program, these results are related to the transition of how they used to be vs the best version of themselves. Be part of our Sunset Bay Academy Testimonials today.

Navigate The Path To Positive Change With Expert Support.

Let's Pave The Way For Your Teen's Journey To Growth And Empowerment.

Navigate the path to positive change with expert support. Let’s pave the way for your teen’s journey to growth and empowerment.