Sunset Bay Academy Testimonials & Reviews

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Joe & Kerry LeMier
“I cannot begin to express our thanks to the SBA staff for your time and effort on Josephine’s behalf. What a transformation! Three hour car ride from Sunset Bay to Palm Springs, and only praise from Jose for what the school/staff has given her in the past nine months. Respectful, appreciative, smiling, and 45 pounds slimmer, my first thoughts were “who is this girl”? We realize this is the honeymoon period, and only time will tell, but we thank God for leading us to your website, and getting a second chance to interact with our granddaughter on a positive level. I believe we should all have a period of time spent at SBA to re-evaluate just how fortunate we are, and what is truly important.”
Scott & Belinda, Parents
“I am writing to say that we are very impressed with Sunset Bay. The teachers,staff & chefs were very friendly and helpful. The facility is very well managed. My son has made truly amazing changes and improvements. I can’t say enough good things about their commitment to our son’s success.”
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“I bless the second I found out about the program; after three month of having a hard time to locate any options to help my son. During my research process I felt armless – anyplace where I’d been looking for the help I had received only a heavy portion of embarrassment of not being a good enough parent. I cannot even count how many hours I spent on the internet, phones, schools to find the program which fits best for Kirill, and finally I did it, and you know that, I’ve discovered not just the program, but the family for my son and even myself – people who take care of him like parents would take, but on the professional basis.
Since first minute of our arrival to the program my son was accommodated with licensed clinical psychologists’ assistance and I also found myself safe, protected and confident. It was the right choice I made for me, my son and our entire family. I personally met most of the school’s staff members at any level of program operation from Director to Guard on the front desk and was so impressed with their professional skills and especially with love light in their eyes. This place is shiny and bright not just to warm climate, but due to people who are working there and multiply love around them.
Today is 83rd day for my son and myself of being a part of the program family and I do not have enough words to convey myself in thankfulness, gratitude in being lucky to meet the program director, family reps, the therapy supervisors and everyone whom I trust with my son Kirill’s life. None of those 83 days have I been apart from my son, thanks to the staff I stay connected with him even closer than ever before. Day by day, night by night, letter by letter, looks like I am getting my lovely, smart, handsome son back to himself, to me, to the life. Truthfully yours.”
“Thought I’d take a moment to put down on paper what I spoke to you about today. You can have any prospective parent call me at our home # 305-661-7137. Just remember we are Eastern time so they need to adjust.
We found SBA and our initial attraction was the lower cost with you being located south of the border. We’ve got two older kids and both are in college. So the additional expense was going to be a challenge we had to face, and though there were schools on the east coast there was roughly a $1,000 savings by going to your facility each month. But we still had concerns! Your in Mexico, I had only been to Mexico off of cruise ships and by aircraft. Never had I flown into San Diego and rented a car to venture across the border. Well once you do it, it’s a piece of cake. Rent a car at the airport and head south, cross the border and stay on the coastal road and your there in an hour plus after leaving the airport. It took a little longer coming back across the border than going but I don’t think more than 30 minutes. I could have actually flown back to Miami the same night I dropped her but because of the unknown I had booked a flight out the next day.
I think had money not been an issue I would have taken her to a closer facility because we were concerned about her being in “Mexico”. But if your reading this and that’s a concern, get over it! Get you child there and get the process started.
Watch some of the video testimonials on the web site. The stories told are shared by all of us. And what they say about the care and love shown by the staff is 100% true. And when you get to a parent child conference you’ll feel so much relief that your not the only one dealing with such a difficult issue.
Kelsey turned 16 there last month (Nov). Eight months ago I didn’t think she’d see sixteen when I dropped her to SBA.”
“I am 16 years old and am from Colorado. I have been at Sunset Bay Academy for 4 months and 20 days. I am at Sunset Bay because I disrespected my parents, I ditched school, and I chose to let my 19 year old boyfriend control my life. When I was back at home I was out of control. I wouldn’t come home until 2 am in the morning, I would take my anger out on my parents property, I would verbally abuse my parents, I had the police called on me multiple times, and I refused to cooperate with anyone. I ditched school many times, and ended up failing some of my classes. I was in a very abusive relationship with a 19 year old guy who spent my money, hurt me, hurt my family, and cost me many major consequences.
I came to Sunset Bay to clean up my act and get my priorities straight. I came to work on my communication with my parents and to get closer to graduating high school. When I first came to Sunset Bay I was very scared. I am an only child and have never had to live with anyone especially this many girls; I adjusted to the structure of the program within a couple of weeks, but after my third week of being at Sunset Bay, I lost all of my points for note passing and I tried to run away. I didn’t get far at all and had to sit in intervention for a week; once I got out of intervention, I realized I was only making my program harder, and decided to make a change.
After that decision, I started gaining points, gaining trust, and gaining respect for myself and others. After I decided to stop my old habits, I looked at Sunset Bay as an opportunity, not a punishment.
Now I am on “Phase 3 (Willing)” and love myself for who I am, not what I have. I acknowledged myself for being a beautiful, powerful and pure young woman, and my communication with my parents has never been stronger. I have made best friends here, and I’ve had good times. Sunset Bay helps you gain self control, self respect, and self confidence, it helps you decide how you want to live your life and what changes you want to make. Sunset bay opens your eyes to reality and teaches you techniques to succeed. I would suggest Sunset Bay to anyone who needs a wakeup call and is making non-working choices in their lives. Sunset Bay can be for anyone who needs a little guidance. Sunset Bay has taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to; that what I fear, I create; and how to be accountable for my actions. This is my experience at Sunset Bay.”
“Well my name is Corey and I’m in the “Prepared Phase” here at SBA. I’ve been here for eight months and these eight months have been the best months of my life. When I first got here I thought I could just fake it and get pulled, after two months of being here I found out that wouldn’t work. My first seminar came around and I chose out. I was still stuck in my image and unwilling to work. A few weeks after I chose out, something clicked. I started realizing that the way I was living would get me nowhere. I realized that the people I thought were friends were just people that would mess up with me and didn’t really care about anything.
Eventually I got bunk leader and before I knew it I was voting up for “Willing Phase”, it wasn’t easy, but after seven tries I finally got it. It was hard for me because I was a negative leader in the family; I was always putting my peers down instead of encouraging them. I worked on the feedback that I received and when I got to “Willing Phase” I also began to feel good about myself. I kept working hard and was asked to staff a seminar. I staffed the last set of workshops, which was a great experience for me and a week later I voted up for “Hopefull Phase” and got it. More motivated than ever I kept working hard and am now on the “Ready Phase”.
The reason I said these past eight months have been the best of my life is because of all of the things I’ve learned. Back at home I would never spend time with my family, but being here has showed me that when it comes down to it the only people you can count on is your family. Sunset Bay has also given me the opportunity to get caught up in school. I’m almost done here and I’m thankful for this opportunity that my parents have given me.”
“My enrollment concerns of selecting an ‘out of country’ school were quickly eased upon first visit to the program’s secure, comfortable, friendly setting. The program’s highly skilled staff of administrators, therapists and 24 hr on-site physician promptly provided assistance upon my child’s entry and kept me apprised of my teen’s well-being during enrollment. Student updates were later followed by bi-weekly progress calls during the early phase of residency and weekly thereafter. Communication with the program staff has always remained immediate with a helpful voice on the other side.
Our highly supportive Parent Coordinator has been a reliable source of school contact through her informative weekly phone updates. Her active involvement with teen activities and teen discussion groups, Ms. Heredia provides first hand information on my student’s weekly development at the program facility. Her calls always share detailed student information and a speedy follow-through with my concerns.
Along with 24 hr therapist supervision, the program’s on-site medical office offers additional reassurance to my peace of mind. Also available are specialized health services for examinations and treatment at the school by carefully selected, certified medical practitioners. The warm, supportive, family culture of Mexico is witnessed in the loving care and attentiveness of the program’s staff. The school’s support staff of therapists, administrative and security aides, all share in the nurturing spirit of the Mexican culture providing a school atmosphere of strong family values. In addition to a secure environment, the program offers a structured program of healthy living through their vigorous fitness program and healthy meal menus. Balanced meals are served under strict dietary guidelines by a nutritional consultant, and prepared by experienced cooks.
The healing environment of the program reinforces positive learning and character building skills enhanced by the many motivational audios, DVDs and books available. I have felt great encouragement reading my child’s letters, expressing the principles of leadership and high character learned through the center’s motivational tools and the staff’s caring guidance. Teens discussion groups are part of the daily routine at the program facility. Professional family workshops, family group conference calls and parent meetings help families keep pace with their student’s progress as each learns character building skills. Both family and teen school workshops offer insight to existing personal and family behavior including keys to structured growth plan. Program Family support is also available through group meetings held monthly throughout most major U.S. areas.
The program’s seminar and workshops present an interactive group process and serve as the stepping stones for maintaining lifelong individual successes. Professionally organized and arranged in a series, workshops are conducted throughout all Phases of the student’s enrollment and offered free of charge for students and their families.
I’ve found the program’s cost for quality of service to be unmatched anywhere in the States. The Mexican peso/US dollar value, has equated to a huge savings advantage for my school budget concerns, making the program clearly my best choice. Upcoming discussion group visits will also be made affordable, with relatively reduced travel costs for trips to Mexico.
I feel assured that I’ve made the very best decision for quality care and superior services by choosing this program. The safe, structured environment, reinforced program format and highly trained support staff combine for a secure, positive learning atmosphere and the valuable foundation for my teen’s and family’s new found life.”