Residential Treatmen Centers for Troubled Teens in Coronado

Residential treatment centers for troubled teens in Coronado deal with addiction and mental health disorders call us at 1 (800) 724-2147

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Residential treatment centers for troubled teens in Coronado deal with addiction and mental health disorders which can drastically affect the ability for a troubled adolescent to live a positive, happy life. Substance abuse and behavioral addictions destroy family relationships and prevent the struggling teen from being a part of a positive family structure. Addiction and mental health disorders affect employment opportunities, causes a decline in education, and stunts emotional growth in an adolescent.  If you are in need of immediate help for your out of control son or daughter please call Sunset Bay Academy at 1 (800) 724-2147.

Residential treatment for addiction and mental health disorders allows an individual to learn the tools necessary to work through stumbling points from the inside out. The student may deal with issues that have been suppressed for many years which may have caused pain and turmoil in the child’s life. Residential treatment facilitates the student to live a positive meaningful life and shows the child what they can do to remain clean and free of other addictive behaviors.

The first step for a parent to get their troubled teen into treatment, is admit there is a problem and making a committment to finding an out of home placement is the only option left. Most children need help when confronting an addiction or mental health issue, and to help your son or daughter out of the nightmare they have created, is one step closer in securing a positive future. In most cases, the behavior is beyond their control and the only choice for progress lies in some form of out of home treatment.

Sunset Bay Academy is a Residential Treatment Center for troubled teens and is located about two hours out of Coronado.  Sunset Bay works with troubled teens ages 12-17 who demonstrating unhealthy and destructive behaviors including drug and alcohol abuse.  We have serve hundreds of families across the nation including Coronado, and know that our indiviualized program will accomodate your struggling son or daughter. 

Please call one of our highly qualified Admissions Specialists to recieve a free evaluation and analysis for your child.  1 (800) 724-2147.  We are here to serve your family and restore your child to the destiny they have in store for them.

Navigate The Path To Positive Change With Expert Support.

Let's Pave The Way For Your Teen's Journey To Growth And Empowerment.

Navigate the path to positive change with expert support. Let’s pave the way for your teen’s journey to growth and empowerment.